How do you add extra buttons to a page?
In news articles or in pages on your platform, you can refer to other internal or external pages by using URLs or Hyperlinks. A hyperlink is automatically visualized in another colour and underlined, based on your dedicated look and feel. But, you can also turn the hyperlink into a button! Image: Hyperlink versus Button Add a button in the text editor Open the text editor of your page or newsFew readersUse icons
You can further personalise your platform by using icons. These icons can be added to various parts of your platform. As an image of your live tiles As an image of your call-to-action To use the icons for your live tiles and call-to-action, you need to upload them in Files. Here you can find more information about the use of files. We are happy to help you viFew readersGiving and requesting internal feedback
With the free tool Markup you can ask or give feedback about a website. Start requesting feedback Go to: Markup Log in or create a profile Enter the URL of your public website or upload screen prints Share the link of Markup item with the Share button Start giving feedback On the Markup URL you receivedSome readersTest the mobile experience from your computer
More and more visitors view your platform on their mobile phone or tablet. It is therefore important that the mobile version of your platform also looks good. With the free Google Chrome extension Viewport Resizer or the Inspect function of your browser, you can view the mobile version of your platform on your computer. Start viewing the mobile version with extension Open Google Chrome DFew readers