Articles on: Inform your visitors

Your project timeline

A timeline helps to clarify the stages of your project to your users and provide transparancy of the process. You can add a timeline to your project homepage.

Hide, show or change your timeline's position on the home page

Go to your project settings and look for 'homepage structure'
Check or uncheck the checkbox next to 'timeline'
Drag and drop the timeline item to the preferred position

Manage the content of your timeline

Go to 'content' and open the 'timeline' section. You will see your timeline items on top, and your title and description below.

Create a new timeline item ("new")
Change the order of timeline items (drag and drop)
Edit your title and description ("Edit")

Timeline title and description

Click on edit to manage your timeline title and description. The title will always show as a header on your platform and is prefilled with a tag to show your project title. The description is limited WYSIWYG text editor.

Create and manage timeline items

To determine the order of the items, drag and drop them in the overview (see above).

To edit a timeline item, click on the edit icon next to the item and go to step 2:

Click on the New icon to add an item.

In the Top text section, enter the text you want to display above the timeline item.
In the Bottom text field, enter the text you wish to display below the item.
If wanted, enter a link in the Url section. The text of the item will then be a link to the URL that you have specified.
Note: Here you can find more information on how to set up a URL to an external and an internal page.
Activate the Active button when you want to show that your timeline item is in progress or has expired. Do not enable the button yet if the item is yet to happen in your project.
Enable the Visible button if you want to publish the timeline item to your platform. If not, leave it off.
Click on the Save button at the top right.

Your timeline item has now been added!

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Updated on: 02/05/2023

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