Articles on: Inform your visitors

How do you set up the social media buttons on your platform?

You can add social media share buttons to your platform. These buttons are located in the right-hand side of your menu next to the search function and in the bottom left-hand side of the footer menu. The Facebook and Twitter buttons allow visitors to easily share your platform on social media. When you add the buttons to your platform, you can also already fill in the sharing post.

Additionally, you can also add an Instagram button to your platform. This allows visitors of your platform to go to your Instagram page with one push of a button.

Open the Project Settings item in the menu on the left side of the screen.
On the left side of the page you can set the Social components.

Activate the social media icons you want to show on the homepage and deactivate the social media icons you want to hide.
In the Sharing Title section, enter the title of the sharing message.
This could be the name of your project or a call to action.
Enter a short description of your project in the Sharing Description section.
In the Sharing Image URL section, enter the URL of the image you want to add to the message.
You can get the URL from the Files section. Read more about Files here.
In the Twitter Hashtags section, you can enter hashtags that will automatically appear with the Twitter share message.
Enter the hashtag without adding the hashtag # symbol.
If you have multiple hashtags, type them one after the other without spaces and only separated by commas.
Add the URL of your Instagram profile in the Instagram Profile section.
If you don't want to add an Instagram page to your platform, just leave this section blank.
Click on the Update Project button at the top right.

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Updated on: 02/05/2023

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