Articles on: Inform your visitors

Create menu items

You add a menu to your platform so that visitors can easily navigate their way around. You can choose to display the menu at the top of the page as well as at the bottom, or only in one of the two places.

There is also a difference between a main menu item and a submenu item. A submenu item is placed below a main menu item. You can see the submenu items in the menu when you open the main menu item.

Main menu item:

Note: If you already have menu items and want to edit them, click the Edit icon. Then follow the steps from step 4.

Open the Content item in the menu on the left side of the screen.
Then choose the sub-item Menu.
Click on the New icon to add an item.

In the Name section, enter the name of your menu item.
At Target you enter the link of the page to which your menu item should lead.

Note : Here you can find more information on how to set up a URL to an external and an internal page.

The button Open in new tab determines whether the page is opened in a new tab when you click on the menu item. Enable this button if you want the page to open in a new tab, otherwise leave it off.
In the Location section, turn on the Top menu button if you want the menu item to appear in the menu at the top of the page of your platform. If not, turn it off.
In the Location section, turn on the Bottom menu button if you want to display the menu item in the top menu of your platform. If not, turn it off.
To create a main menu item, leave the last Parent section open.
Click on the Save button at the top right.
Your menu item has now been added.

Repeat these steps for all main menu items.

Submenu item:

Note: If you already have menu items and want to edit them, click the Edit icon. Then follow the steps from step 4.

Open the Content item in the menu on the left side of the screen.
Then choose the sub-item Menu.
Click on the New icon to add an item.

In the Name section, enter the name of your menu item.
At Target you enter the link of the page to which your menu item should lead.

Note : Here you can find more information on how to set up a URL to an external and an internal page.

The button Open in new tab determines whether the page is opened in a new tab when you click on the menu item. Enable this button if you want the page to open in a new tab, otherwise leave it off.
In the Location section, turn on the Top menu button if you want the menu item to appear in the menu at the top of the page of your platform. If not, turn it off.
In the Location section, turn on the Bottom menu button if you want to display the menu item in the top menu of your platform. If not, turn it off.
In the Parent section, select the main menu item to which you want to assign the submenu item.

Click on the Save button at the top right.
Your menu item has now been added.

Repeat these steps for all submenu items.

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Updated on: 02/05/2023

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